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Welcome to the Conservative League Doubles Championship Snooker Snooker competition page. Here you
will find the fixtures and results from each round of the current competition.
All matches up to and including the Semi Final are best of 3 Frame with the Final best of 5 frames. The average handicap of the players will be used for each competing pair.
ROUND 1 (To be played by 31st January
| De Pasquale & Clark (10) (H) | 2-0 | Mountain & A Reed (2) (F) | |
| Bonwick & Gould (20) (F) | 2-0 | McCready & Hodgson (27) (H) | |
| Richardson & Sinclair (22) (H) | 2-1 | Husband & Wilson (4) (F) | |
| Fennell & D Reed (-2) (F) | 2-0 | B Smith & Elvidge (23) (F) | |
| Fillingham & Tessier (5) (B) | 2-0 | Lillie & Goodacre (5) (A) | |
| Gillies & Myers (22) (A) | 1-2 | Ledgeway & Keen (20) (A) | |
| Lewis & Parkinson (-1) (F) | 0-2 | Borg & Potter (-26) (A) | |
| Mahoney & Barnes (9) (B) | 2-0 | Smith & I Robinson (12) (B) | |
Q-FINALS (To be played by 28th February 2019)
| De Pasquale & Clark (10) (H) | 2-1 | Bonwick & Gould (20) (F) | |
| Richardson & Sinclair (22) (H) | w/o-0 | Fennell & D Reed (-2) (F) | |
| Fillingham & Tessier (5) (B) | 2-1 | Ledgeway & Keen (20) (A) | |
| Borg & Potter (-26) (A) | 2-1 | Mahoney & Barnes (9) (B) | |
S-FINAL (To be played ?)
| De Pasquale & Clark (10) (H) | 2-0 | Richardson & Sinclair (22) (H) | |
| Fillingham & Tessier (5) (B) | 0-2 | Borg & Potter (-26) (A) | |
FINAL (To be played ?)
| De Pasquale & Clark (10) (H) | 3-2 | Borg & Potter (-26) (A) | |